5 Ups And Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Nov 17th)

2. Check Your Milk Cartons

Missing Brock Lesnar Milk Friday will officially be two months since the last time the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, or the man who wears the title, was last seen in a WWE ring. And barring some last-minute Hail Mary (both storyline and real life) from the Authority, he will be nowhere near Survivor Series on Sunday. The reason this is relevant this week is because Stephanie McMahon enticed Team Cena teammates Big Show and Sheamus to beat the snot out of each other by offering up a WWE World Heavyweight Championship title opportunity to the winner. And really, what self-respecting professional wrestler wouldn€™t jump at an opportunity to vie for his promotion€™s top prize? It makes sense from a storyline perspective. But where is this rarely reference champion? Look, Brock Lesnar is a special attraction. He also costs WWE a ton of money per appearance, so they can€™t trot him out every other week or even every month. But the company chose to put their top title on him. Meanwhile, they parade around Seth Rollins, who has a briefcase guaranteeing him a title shot €“ if Lesnar ever shows up again. They€™ve got John Cena, the number one contender who hasn€™t bothered to ask for a match yet. And they€™ve got Stephanie offering up title shots against an invisible champ. WWE is obviously all-in on this deal, but it€™s starting to become painfully obvious that there is a vacuum at the top with no champ. And as WrestleMania season approaches, it€™s going to become worse if Lesnar doesn€™t start showing up.

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.