The WWE has always been known to suggest bad wrestling names for their wrestlers. Don't believe me? Ask Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, Earthquake, Texas Tornado, The 123 Kid, The Mountie, Grand Master Sexay, Test, Scotty 2 Hotty, Festus, Boogeyman, Puke, Tugboat, The Blue Beanie or Meat. Yeah, those are all actual former WWE wrestlers. I hardly doubt any of them would admit to those being their first choice or even their last choice of names. At least I'd hope that's what they'd say. So what's in a name? To a wrestler it's EVERYTHING. It's what sets them apart from the rest. It's their brand. You have to remember that these guys are all independent contractor. What does that mean? It means that most wrestlers will tell you that they rather not use their real names. Why? Because the WWE then owns the rights to that name, so if the wrestler leaves the company he can no longer use his own name! Crazy right? So it appears as if the WWE is now leaning towards the use of fake names that sound real. I know, it's ridiculous, a cop out and just plain lazy. Which ironically seems to be the current theme of the WWE. With all that being said, here's a list I came up with of the current 5 worst wrestling names in the WWE...
5. Tensai

His real name is Matt Bloom and he's been here before. He's had other runs with other names in the WWE prior to this one. Were they better than Tensai? NO. Unfortunately for him he is formally known as A-Train and Prince Albert. When he left the WWE and wrestled in Japan he wrestled under the name Giant Bernard. I mean really?! Giant Bernard?! Why?! Matt is known as smart guy in the business who's been around the world, so why come all the way back as Lord Tensai? Well, the WWE had high hopes for him when he made his return but they have since dropped the "Lord" from his name and apparently dropped him from their plans of giving him any sort of a push. You can't blame him though, the WWE was hoping he could come back as a top heel who learned the art of wrestling in Japan. It just didn't work, people didn't believe it. So now it appears the WWE doesn't know what do with him except lose to Ryback in squash matches. What a shame.