5 WWE SummerSlam 2019 Opponents For Fiend Bray Wyatt
1. Kofi Kingston
What better way for WWE to show they are serious about the new Bray Wyatt than to put him straight into the championship scene?
As history has shown, it will become so hard to care about Bray Wyatt if WWE don't take him seriously. While winning the WWE Championship in his first major match back might seem excessive, it would at least make up for lost time and establish Bray as the top star he should always have been.
Kofi is also the perfect babyface for a sadistic heel Fiend. He is best when fighting from underneath and although seeing him lose the title may be heartbreaking, at least the reign wouldn't become stale. The match itself should be deadly serious, but there is still potential for some hugely fun segments in the build up when Bray Wyatt isn't wearing the mask. Bray can bring the puppets and The New Day can bring the pancakes. So long as when it comes to The Fiend, Kofi is all alone.