50 Best WWE Matches Of The 90s

42. Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. The Rock (Backlash 1999)

While their WrestleMania XV bout saved a dreadfully-overbooked show from the bottom of the barrel, it was still only scratching the surface of what Austin and Rock could do together. This was Rock's mandated rematch for the title (the entire purpose of Backlash was to be RematchMania), with evil Shane McMahon as the referee. And if Austin strikes Shane, he's disqualified, and Rock gets the belt. Not only is this sequel an exceptional brawl, but it provides a neat little moment in which Rock swipes a company video camera and pans the crowd while on offense, only to turn toward a defiant Austin, and eat a Stunner while still armed with said camera. The Rock's inevitable babyface turn (after a false start in the fall of 1998) came shortly after.

41. The Steiner Brothers Vs. Money Inc. (SummerSlam 1993 Spectacular)

Ted Dibiase's next-to-last match as a WWF performer came two weeks before the SummerSlam pay-per-view, teaming with Irwin R. Schyster in a steel cage match against the Tag Team champions, Rick and Scott Steiner. It's an oft-overlooked match, given that it took place outside of pay-per-view and episodic TV shows, but it's a rare gem worth seeking out. Using the 'both partners must escape the cage' format, you had instances where one partner got out, but then had to climb back in to rescue his teammate from double-teams. The ending is also really clever, and looks similar to how a certain somebody avoided elimination in the 2016 Royal Rumble. Had this been Dibiase's WWF finale, he would have gone out with a bang.

Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.