50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time


Everyone and their mothers chanted this back in the WCW days. When Goldberg€™s theme song kicked in, every kid in the arena would get on their feet and shout €œGold-berg! Gold-berg! Gold-berg!€ again and again. It was like summoning a demon from the depths of Hell to rise and slay the masses. Following each victory, the Goldberg chants would kick back up. Eventually the Goldberg chants would get artificially put into his theme music which weakened the impact of the chant quite a bit. Even now, with Goldberg no longer an active wrestler, his name still gets chanted whenever Ryback starts to wrestle.

40. €œYou Sick F*ck!€

A wrestler has to do something pretty nuts to be given this chant, but luckily there's an illustrious history of stars doing just that. Most of the time it involves some primal act that causes his opponent to bleed like a stuffed pig, or even a high risk move that would kill or at the very least severely injure most other people. While it may sound crass, it€™s actually a term of endearment from wrestling fans because it€™s their way of saying €œWow, you€™ve got a lot of guts to do something like that to another human being.€ It€™s a sign of respect that harkens back to the times where self mutilation was just another day in the life of a professional wrestler.

39. €œSame Old Sh*t!€

Sometimes wrestlers tend to use the same moves and holds over and over and over again. While it might be easier on the wrestlers, the fans are a fickle bunch and won€™t take kindly to being duped with the same moves that they€™ve already seen. When the fans chant this it means it€™s time for the wrestlers to pull off something different so that they can win the crowd over once more. There was a time when Randy Orton would get this chant often, and does John Cena even need specific mention? But now the fans, for the most part, have accepted their move sets and wait in anticipation for the big finish.
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Daniel Bryan
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.