6 Charming Moments From Unfiltered With Renee Young

Could she become Wiz Khalifa's Fly Girl?

Unfiltered Renee Young Main

WWE has a gem of an interview show on its hands and it just might be their next big thing. Hosted by the always lovely Renee Young, stars from various genres sit down to chat about their latest endeavors and whatever else is on their minds.

Seth Rollins, the actresses and director from the recent movie Hot Pursuit, and recording artist Wiz Khalifa have already joined in on the show "Unfiltered With Renee Young." The format is relaxed and she seems more than comfortable to let the conversation take whatever natural course it may.

It's interesting that this WWE Network show has only sparing conversation about pro wrestling. Sofia Vergara talked briefly about liking Hulk Hogan and Wiz Khalifa mentioned that The Undertaker is his favorite wrestler, but not much more is mentioned about sports entertainment. This creates the perfect opportunity for Renee to engage with a true variety of stars on each of their unique terms.

Only three episodes have been released so far on the WWE Network and they're pretty short. Ideally, these episodes rack up a plethora of views so that Renee can make many more after this initial run and be given a more traditional episode length. The show is good and brings an original flavor to the all-wrestling network.

The following six highlights of these early episodes have been selected so that the charm of this show and its host can be clearly seen...

6. Renee Young Is An Uber Person


While dining over what looked to be a very delicious breakfast, Renee young interviewed the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins in this inaugural episode.

No wrestling is actually discussed during this conversation but Renee came close when she asked Seth what his biggest purchase has been over the past few years. Now having the means to afford more of the finer automobiles it might be surprising that he settled on a used vehicle.

Used might not be a fair word because it doesn't change the fact that Seth's car is a 2011 black Cadillac. He mentioned that it was carrying very low miles, so good for him for finding himself a deal.

Renee at first called Seth's car of choice a "dad car" and later asked him why he didn't just use Uber. He lives in Davenport, Iowa so he doesn't have much need for the transportation service.

Outside of bigger cities traffic is not as big of a deal so it is easier for people to just drive themselves wherever they need to go.

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Renee Young
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.