6 Reasons Daniel Bryan's Retirement Will Hurt WWE In The Long Run

6. Another Star Name Has Gone

We all sort of knew deep down he wasn't going to come back, but let's face it, WWE is in dire need of star power at the moment. With WrestleMania 32 fast approaching, the top of the roster is dangerously thin on the grounds. Current big names on the shelf include John Cena, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins and Sting, and even with solid midcard talent in Cesaro and Tyson Kidd on the injury list, WWE finds itself in a rut. Years of bad promoting and inability to look beyond their main event talent means that the company finds itself scraping the barrel in the run up to their biggest event of the year. Given the drawn out scenario of WWE's doctors not clearing him to wrestle, the company probably knew Bryan was never going to compete again. With this in mind, you'd have thought that top brass in the company would have thought ahead and put their seal of approval on one of the up and coming members of the roster, and given them a solid and sustained push in the run up to the Superbowl of wrestling. Bray Wyatt was a prime contender for this slot, but despite being one of the freshest characters in years, he seems to be stuck in a limbo of beatdown, cryptic promo, look threatening for a week, lose at the pay per view, repeat. Similarly, Dean Ambrose has all the attributes to become the next big babyface of the company; his anti-establishment, lunatic schtick resonates with the crowds, and his unhinged character sells itself well. For the time being though, WWE seems content with slapping the (now meaningless) Intercontinental title on him and shuffling him from feud to feud. WWE won't admit it, but their drawing power going into the hottest season of the entire year, is looking dangerously uninteresting. Undertaker vs Braun Strowman, anyone?
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Daniel Bryan
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An English literature graduate who probably should do more writing, but chose to run a bar instead. Go figure.