6 Reasons John Cena Will Retire From WWE Within 5 Years

3. Age Is Becoming A Factor

The clock is ticking on Cena's career because he's getting older. Right now he's 37 years old and while a lot of wrestlers really don't peak until their 30s, once you hit the late 30s it is definitely time to re-evaluate your career. For the next three years he'll likely be in the same sort of spot he's in now where he's main eventing most shows and working a full time schedule. However, once he gets into his 40s things are going to slow down a bit. There will be other things on his mind that may prevent him from wanting to work three house shows per week plus Raw and wrestling in the dark match at the Smackdown tapings. We all reach a point in our life where we realize we can't do what we did in our youth. Whether it's because it gets more difficult to wake up at 6am to catch that next flight or simply the stress of the job, everything must come to an end. John Cena may appear to be a Superman on TV from time to time, but eventually he's going to slow down just like everybody else in wrestling.

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John Cena
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.