6 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (30 Aug - Results & Review)

4. Hardcore Antics

Nia Jax Michin

There's no point in avoiding the blatant truth: WWE fans treat Michin with respect, but she doesn't quite match reactions some of the other big stars in the women's division get. Maybe that'll change if she keeps turning in matches like this one vs. Nia Jax. Personally, your writer thought Mia Yim acquitted herself rather well.

Going the 'Street Fight' route and letting both women belt one another with weapons was wise, and there were some cracking spots. Nia's samoan drop through a table looked dazzling, and so did the squash finish with that trash can; would say that it was reckless of Jax to throw a bit of table at Michin post-match, but that's nitpicking.

Overall, it was a worthy main event.

That's saying a lot considering the quality of other matches on the night, by the way. Any of them barring possibly the tag could've main-evented SmackDown with ease. WWE gave Jax and Michin the nod, which paid off. They benefitted from something else too...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.