6 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Dark (Jul 14)
2. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus vs. Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon

There was a lot of fun to be had in Jurassic Express vs. Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon, even if you aren't into the losers' ongoing storyline.
Cutler and Avalon's coming together is similar to Allie and Brandi's, albeit less likely to result in the planned sabotage of a heart-eyed love interest, though the work is considerably better. The hard-losing duo have done a good job of elevating themselves above their pathetic win/loss records in recent in-ring outings. Their Young Bucks match was the most important, of course, as Matt and Nick Jackson gave them a lot, though last night's with Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy was similarly effective,
A match like this wouldn't have looked out of place on Dynamite's midcard. It was fun, solid stuff, and Cutler and Avalon almost broke their duck, scoring two notable nearfalls on the babyfaces. Leva Bates' Hurricanrana from the apron looked great as well, though he charges ended up falling when Avalon was isolated.