6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE NXT Stand & Deliver 2024

NXT jumpstarts WWE's WrestleMania 40 weekend AND announces new titles.

NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 Roxanne Perez

Over 16,000 people just saw NXT kick off WWE's WrestleMania 40 weekend in style.

OK, that's not technically true. Technically, SmackDown and then the Hall Of Fame got that honour on Friday night, but the third brand's roster was ready to Stand & Deliver come Saturday afternoon. Sorry, that was goofier than Booker T singing along to Trick Williams' entrance track, but you get the point.

Shawn Michaels didn't try to squeeze too many matches onto the show. Instead, HBK let all six (seven if you include the pre-show) breathe. Everyone got plenty of time, and at least three of the bouts are honestly must see. The main event between Trick and Carmelo Hayes is obviously on that list, but spirited clashes for both the NXT and NXT Women's Titles deserve your attention too.

GM Ava also announced a brand spanking new title for NXT's women too. It remains to be seen if that's a smart decision from WWE or not, but it'll certainly add a new layer to Tuesday nights and could act as a trailblazing moment for the main roster. Maybe/possibly/probably!

Here's all the good and bad from NXT's latest big night.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.