6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (24 May - Results & Review)

4. This Could Get Interesting

AJ Styles Nick Aldis

Those paying attention to last week's show would've heard AJ Styles remark that he needed a word with GM Nick Aldis. AJ approached the main man on this week's episode, and all but begged Nick for another shot at the WWE Title. When Aldis said "that takes time", Styles replied: "Nick, you know I don't have time!".


That was an interesting retirement tease. Ultimately, AJ didn't get what he wanted from Aldis. It remains to be seen whether this rejection turns Styles into a more desperate (maybe even psychotic?) heel or a sympathetic veteran babyface who only wants one more ride with the gold before sailing off into the sunset.

Either way, this twist represents character direction and he needed that coming out of the LA Knight feud then title challenge vs. Cody Rhodes. Failing by the slimmest of margins in the King Of The ring tournament also wounded AJ's pride. Top marks for both guys in this backstage skit - they came across as real human beings having a genuine conversation.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.