6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 12)

1. Better To Be P*ssed Off Than P*ssed On

Jeff Hardy Sheamus Urine Pee

Neither, mind you, was the urine sample gimmick.

Toilet humour felt unnecessary in an angle that, ridiculous pro wrasslin' car crash beat aside, has been grounded in realism. WWE went from painting Jeff Hardy as a man who genuinely wants to make up for past transgressions to framing his "redemption" with poor comedy.

The doctor's Halloween outfit sucked, and the amount of pee Jeff produced on command when he didn't know he was even getting tested was preposterous. The whole thing was even more painful because Hardy and Sheamus really tried to make the best of what is quickly becoming a run-of-the-mill undercard laughing stock.

Serious subjects don't need little splashes (ahem) of ha-ha to make them entertaining. That's something pro wrestling always gets wrong; this was up there with that 'King' Corbin dog food business several months ago, and hasn't helped the feud.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.