6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 12)

2. A Wonderful Reversal

AJ Styles Daniel Bryan Styles Clash

Also, what a reversal near the end.

AJ reversed Bryan’s running knee strike into a Styles Clash without breaking sweat, and that earned the pair quite the reaction. It’s a slight pity that an actual live crowd didn’t get to react to that one, but hey ho. The NXT gathering inside the Performance Center provided a nice audible gasp when Styles grabbed Bryan mid-air.

Seconds later, Bryan was staring at the lights when AJ blasted him with his Phenomenal Forearm for a heel win. That made sense, because Styles smelled blood following his reversal and wanted to capitalise, and it was nice to see a clean finish without some sort of Drew Gulak run in.

It cannot be overstated just how well these dudes worked together. They need another few matches (possibly one with an 'Iron Man' stipulation at Extreme Rules?) once Backlash is out the road. This was sensational pro wrestling, and one of the best WWE TV matches of the year so far.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.