6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 13)
5. That Opener
From there, Sami and Riddle went on to have a cracking little match. It was always going to be good, 'cause these guys are excellent when they're handed enough time to tell a story, and both play their respective delusional heel/stoner babyface roles to a tee.
This one clicked from minute one.
There was a nice level of intensity to Zayn's work. At times, it was almost like he was channelling the spirit of The Bloodline t-shirt he was wearing by going all Roman Reigns circa 2020 on Riddle. Man, Sami really must be considered WWE's best utility player in 2022. He fits into almost any situation and gets something out of it.
It was also cool to see Riddle bring back his Bro Derek for the finish. That's something Randy Orton has been harping on about during recent promos, and this continuity between tag partners enhanced the match further.
Great work.