6 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Dark (Dec 15)
1. The Dark Order vs. Bear Country

This was the match Bryce Remsburg called the best Dark bout he had ever seen. While this was perhaps a tad generous, Bear Country showed out in their big debut, meshing well with The Dark Order's Stu Grayson and Evil Uno in comfortably the night's biggest highlight.
Bears Bronson and Boulder are a couple of raw-boned powerhouses, with the latter the bigger of the two, though they aren't big lumbering stiffs. Their AEW debut saw Bronson worked over for a while before Boulder wrecked everything, carrying both Dark Order members before slamming them down. Awesome tandem moves unfolded afterwards, including a corner senton featuring all four participants, before Grayson showcased his own unreal strength by putting the mammoth Boulder on his shoulders for Nightfall.
A Fatality finished Bronson off soon after this, but Bear Country did the damn thing. They came in, kicked ass, and maybe won a job in the process. Fair play to them.