6 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (2 Dec)

2. Not Moving On

Deaner Joe Doering Willie Mack
IMPACT Wrestling

When Violent By Design used Eric Young's helmet to defeat Heath and Rhino at Turning Point, it was clear that the feud wasn't over, even though it should have concluded at Bound For Glory.

They got involved post-match here, saving Rich Swann and Willie Mack from a post-match assault from the Eric Young-helmed trio. Yes, the former World and X Division Champions needed saving from an ex-WWE mid-carder and a 46-year-old depleting veteran. It's a shame, really, as Swann this time last year was at the peak of his career as World Champion. Now, he's merely a secondary act in a feud that's past its sell-by date.

The match itself was decent, all things considered. Swann and Mack demonstrated some delightful tag team offence, culminating in their Samoan drop and 450 splash combination, while Deaner's diving headbutt was enjoyable, too. A match like this should have been more enticing, though.

Instead, it served up no real substance, will be forgotten about this time next week, and has added nothing to the overarching feud between VBD, and Heath and Rhino. A real needless match.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.