6 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (2 Dec)

5. Maclin Unhinged

Steve Maclin vs. Trey Miguel will seemingly be the X Division Title match for Hard To Kill. That's the right choice, as it not only will be a grand affair, but there's a simple, yet effective story already there.

Here, Maclin interrupted a Miguel backstage interview, doing so with such added aggression that this almost felt like a means of writing Trey off television for a couple of months to nurse an injury. He tossed a toolbox in the direction of Trey's head, though he missed, and later held the X Division Champion over his shoulder, his legs dangling aimlessly as he was choked with a cable.

This was pure maniacal behaviour, and it worked to great perfection. Really, the only gripe your writer has is that Steve, someone who insists will be the next X Division Champion, kicked the title belt during the segment. That diminishes the strap slightly, but that aside, this, combined with Miguel's somersault dive, was perfect in setting up the inevitable clash.


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