6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (14 June - Results & Review)

3. Delivering The (Main Event) Goods

Kevin Owens Solo Sikoa

A group of dudes in the seats further back summed it up perfectly once the bell sounded for the main event: "This is gonna be physical as f*ck". Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa didn't disappoint in that respect. Everyone knew what they were in for once the match was announced. The pair battered one another senseless.

Yay to rugged rasslin'.

KO and Solo hit hard, but don't mind a receipt or six themselves. From the off, it was clear that both had their working boots on. Sikoa was landed with chants like, 'Tribal W*nker', and there was a lot of sentiment along the lines of, 'We Want Roman'. Bonus points go to Paul Heyman for acknowledging (ahem) those. He's a pivotal piece in the story.

Kev's "Scotland 3:16" t-shirt sold like hot cakes (there were loads in the crowd), but he wasn't just there to pander and Owens is never gonna be the type to phone it in. He worked hard, and so did Solo. This was match of the night, at least for the TV portion.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.