6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 4)

5. SmackDown World Cup Incentives

WWE SmackDown World Cup

Next week, WWE will launch the first ever SmackDown World Cup. It's an obvious bid to catch some eyes due to the upcoming FIFA World Cup, but that's hardly the worst idea. Also, and this is key, Triple H has decided to offer more than a prop trophy to the winner.

Giving the victor something tangible is a very solid plan.

The World Cup winner will become GUNTHER's next hurdle as Intercontinental Champ. That's a great carrot to dangle in front of everybody, especially when fans know the big Austrian is a guaranteed hit maker in-ring at the moment - GUNTHER is smashing it against all comers, so start getting excited.

There will be some payoff for WWE's latest tourney, at least. That hasn't always been the case, but international-themed brackets with a fresh midcard title feud does sound like fun. Keep your eyes peeled midweek to see who's gonna be in this thing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.