6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 1)

3. This Bodes Well

LA Knight The Miz

LA Knight and The Miz going back and forth is already a proven winner for WWE TV, and things were no different on SmackDown. Yes, the company has pretty much forgotten about the Draft (they always do), but this was a hot promo-come-brawl segment that hyped their Payback match with ease.

The relentless verbal digs LA and Miz took at one another heightened when the latter jumped Knight and hit a Skull Crushing Finale. Usually, WWE would leave things there and have the announcers query whether or not LA can get the job done over the weekend. Want some good news?

They didn't.

LA recovered and chased after Miz. When they clashed, security had to step in and pull the warring pair apart lest they threaten a marquee collision on the next PLE. Honestly, seeing non-title midcard battles get this kind of focus is great, and both men rocked in their respective roles.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.