6 Ups & 4 Downs From Edge's WWE Career

3. His First WrestleMania Singles Match

Booker T Edge

His singles run spluttered on into 2002.

That year, Edge worked his very first one-on-one match at WrestleMania X-8, and it was a meaningful occasion for him personally. 12 years prior, the mullet-wearing Canadian teenager had attended WrestleMania VI in the very same building. Now, he was wrestling on that same platform.

Over shampoo.

Edge's feud with Booker T was based around who would snare a pretend Japanese shampoo deal, and it flat-out sucked. Before the match, one fan's sign (reading, "They Are Fighting Over Shampoo") summed up fan apathy towards such a lame storyline. It was hardly the most dynamic start for Edge as a singles star at 'Mania.

This was a definite downer, the kind both Edge and Booker must have lamented. They were handed just six minutes to work with, had a crappy backstory to prop things up and were an afterthought as soon as things ended.

At least Edge won.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.