6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (3 June)
Alexander and TJP go the distance, Maclin is coming, Grace and Ellering fall again.

Your writer wholeheartedly apologises for criticising IMPACT's decision to begin the X Division Championship sixty-minute Iron Man match on Before The IMPACT rather than have the whole thing on the normal IMPACT broadcast. It roared massively. Going into (inevitable) overtime, Josh Alexander and TJP delivered one of IMPACT's greatest pandemic-era matches.
It was unquestionably the greatest match of the night, but that's not to say the rest of the night didn't have some good stuff slotted in elsewhere. Fire N Flava, and Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering's Knockouts Tag Team Championships outing was a hit, and Jake Something and Rohit Raju concluded their rivalry in a neat tables match. Both good bits of business.
Elsewhere, we had a plethora of Against All Odds announcements, Sami Callihan and Moose's match being interrupted by the Good Brothers, Brian Myers teaching Sam Beale, W. Morrissey being booked wrongly for the first time in IMPACT thus far, and our first official teaser for the soon-to-be-debuting Steve Maclin.
Mostly everything is going right for the Anthem-helmed promotion as we head into the summer months. With fans returning at Slammiversary on 17 July, it's exactly what they need.
Let's get to it...