6 Ups & 4 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Jun 21)

2. Pointless Match

At this moment in time, a match between Eddie Edwards and Madman Fulton looked alright on paper. Two guys with similar characters just beating the living hell out of one another. Although the match was more of a fight like it should have been, it became crystal clear that the bout was only used to further a storyline involving The Sandman.

Just when it looked as if Edwards was on the cusp of victory, Killer Kross popped up on the Tron, attempting to set The Sandman on fire. The distraction was more than enough to allow Fulton to scoop Eddie up for his swinging End of Days to score the pinfall, with Edwards trodding off up the ramp afterwards in the hopes he could save his friend in time.

It's been several weeks, so why are we still seeing these names of the past being tossed into the ongoing stories? There's little to no need for them whatsoever, and they're only taking time away from the actual roster. Where were The Deaners and The Desi Hit Squad at this week? No time for them, clearly.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.