6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 2)
4. Kofi Kingston = Worker Extraordinaire
It's easy to forget just how great a worker Kofi Kingston is sometimes. He's mired in so much unnecessary comedy with Xavier Woods these days, so much so that the fact he's bloody brilliant gets hidden. Not this week - not when WWE gave him a mission statement: PREP GUNTHER FOR COMING CHALLENGES.
Few things to mention here.
Firstly, the way Kofi's entire attitude changed when GUNTHER challenged him during that backstage segment was excellent. His facial expressions put across just how daunting a proposition wrestling the IC Champ is. Second, the match both men had was another massive green tick for this show.
Kingston's SOS near fall was fab, and GUNTHER's 'Last Symphony' finish looked sweet. Oh yes, this was a stunning way to prepare the midcard champ for his coming clash following WWE's SmackDown World Cup. Take a bow, Kofi.