6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 20)

2. KO Runs Riot

Kevin Owens Paul Heyman

Sami Zayn wasn't present for the show-closing contract signing segment because Roman Reigns told him to go get things ready for The Bloodline's departure. In other words, it was Roman who f*cked up, but Sami will still get it in the neck for not predicting Kevin Owens' 'Stone Cold'-esque attack.

KO 3:16 running wild, baby.

Kev's Undisputed Title challenge at the Rumble has always felt like background noise to the ongoing tension in the ranks of Roman's group. It badly needed a shot in the arm then, and this was definitely that. KO went crazy on The Bloodline and took everybody out, then inked the contract as a scared Heyman cowered in the corner.

Fans in Detroit had been waiting for a bit of babyface badassery like this all night, and Owens didn't disappoint the masses. Honestly, this entire storyline has been booked to perfection since the start. Now, thankfully, Kevin's title shot has a bit more juice too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.