6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 5 - Results & Review)

3. Logan Paul’s Commentary

Logan Paul WWE Commentary

Here's something many will disagree with.

Logan Paul's guest commentary actually threatened to take away from the tournament final between Kevin Owens and Santos Escobar. Those lads were putting on a banger of a match (more on it later), but all LP could do was make sly digs when sitting next to Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick. It was unnecessary.

WWE would've been better served to have LP come out for the fun post-match stuff with KO rather than have him snipe from behind the desk. Good guest comms enhance a match; just look at Bryan Danielson's work during Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston back at AEW's Worlds End pay-per-view, for example.

Bryan elevated what fans were seeing happen inside the ring despite being an active worker with an axe to grind. Unfortunately, Paul couldn't do the same with this United States Title contender final. It was a total miss from start to finish. Worse, Logan's dismissing both guys made it impossible for the other announcers to put across the bout's importance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.