6 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (29 April)

2. ThursBey Night IMPACT

Your writer was delighted to see Chris Bey finally return to IMPACT programming, particularly given the circumstances. After just one match, the former X Division Champion has a chance to face Kenny Omega in a World Championship contest. It’s perfect booking.

‘The Ultimate Finesser’ was revealed as Jake Something’s surprise opponent in the first Under Siege qualifying bout. The action here was clean and slick, including a handful of intricate transitions between manoeuvres. Bey countering Something’s jumping body attack early on with a standard sunset flip was beautiful, for example.

Bey played his role extremely well here, being flung around the ring by Jake. Something had no right to be tossing someone that high, but Chris’ agility made Jake look even more like a beast here. The locker room surrounding the ring played dividends for Bey, as Rohit Raju grabbed Jake’s ankle in the latter stage, allowing Bey to sneak in a rope-assisted schoolboy to advance.

This was good fun. Chris Bey had to look strong in his first match back; pairing him with Jake Something allowed this to be the case. A cheap rollup win didn’t affect the outcome either, seeing as Rohit got involved to further his and Jake’s story arc.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.