6 Ups And 2 Downs From NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors 24

3. Ospreay Vs Ricochet II

Ospreay Ricochet

When Ospreay and Ricochet collided in 2016, they put on a match that garnered as much mainstream attention as any wrestling contest outside of the WWE in years. Compared to a stunt sequence from The Matrix, the match split wrestling fans down the middle. Many saw it as a damning representation of the psychology-less product that has been creeping onto the independent circuit.

Regardless, the match got eyes on Ricochet, Ospreay, NJPW, and also the BOSJ tournament. When the blocks were announced, fans knew the sequel was on tap, and it did not disappoint. It only took a few minutes of ground wrestling for both men to return to full flip-mode.

The acrobatic sequences were predictably breathtaking, but there was much more to this second contest. Most importantly, it felt less as though they were showing off, and more as though they genuinely needed to win.

Maintaining their lightning pace, Ricochet and Ospreay threw in devastating suplexes and brutal strikes, refusing to let up for even a second. Those who saw their 2016 contest as a sideshow will have to accept that this second match was a bonafide main event.

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University of Edinburgh student, freelance writer and all-round banter merchant.