6 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Aug 14)
4. Was Cass Rattled?

When Big Cass came out for his promo, he tried to start talking several times, only to be shut down each time by the crowd, which booed lustily at him.
On one hand, that’s great: Cass had serious heat on him before he even started talking. However, Cass was either unable or unwilling to go back at the fans until they interrupted him about a half-dozen times. He might have been giving false starts to rile fans up more, but Cass also might have been rattled a bit, which can happen.
Ask yourself this: How would The Rock – arguably one of the best at manipulating a crowd and using its energy to his advantage – have handled such a reaction? It might not be anything at all, but it felt like Cass got stuck for a bit there before recovering to deliver a decent promo.