6 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Dec 14)

4. Scoots Are No Hoot

As your writer feared, this MSK/Riddle partnership looks set to lean more into the mindless goofiness than it is seriously captivating or even genuinely funny escapades. Ah well, one week of hope was a blast while it lasted.

Last night saw the former NXT Tag Team Champions continue learning from the "wise" Shaman that is the current Raw Tag Team Champion, with Riddle's latest lesson revolving around de-cluttering their lives and focusing on the task at hand... coming from the wrestler who is currently cluttering his life with MSK and not focusing on the task of defending his belts with Randy Orton. But that's none of my business.

After cute John Cena spinner U.S. title references were out of the way, Riddle then yanked his scooter out of the bag, only to gift the high-flying duo with their own wheels as the trio scooted into a more focused future.

If this type of ill-judged stoner goofiness is your bag, then have at it. But your writer couldn't escape the feeling that this entire "cool goofball schtick" is coming across as much more forced than it did when Riddle was first setting out on his own NXT journey.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...