6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (June 26)
1. Wait For It…
For a moment, you almost got the feeling WWE had second thoughts about breaking up Enzo Amore and Big Cass Monday night and was trying to hit the reset.
Enzo called out Cass (who came down to the same entrance music) to confront him about turning on him last week, calling him a brother and insisting that he wasn’t giving up on him. After a heartfelt back-and-forth, Cass hugged his former tag partner and announced they were back together. They posed in the ring and walked up the ramp together, and still nothing.
Then they hit the top of the ramp and posed… and boom! There came the clothesline that sealed the deal. Enzo went down like a sack of potatoes and then was tossed down the ramp like yesterday’s garbage. And with that, Cass’ turn was completed.
It was actually pretty well done, with Amore trying desperately to look past the attacks and forget, and Cass sadistically luring him in and then striking.