6 Ups And 8 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (March 28th)
3. An Amused Beast
Once again, the little things that come up surface to make fans smile, but in this case, it was a performer smiling that had to make others smirk.
During Dean Ambroses treasure hunt under the ring for weapons, he pulled out a crowbar, pipe, baseball bat with barbed wire, fire extinguisher and a chainsaw. He also borrowed the ring steps as he loaded his wagon. During all of this, Brock Lesnar calmly stood in the ring, watching. At one point, the camera panned to him and revealed Brock looking rather amused at Deans antics. He almost cracked a full smile, and Lesnar definitely seemed to enjoy Ambrose loading up the plunder.
Sundays bout between Ambrose and Lesnar could easily be the best of the big matches on the WrestleMania card. Lesnar is a killer and will be merciless at Mania, but seeing his reaction Monday reminded you that hes human after all (despite what Paul Heyman says).