6 WWE Superstars Who Got Married In 2018

5. Cedric Alexander

Cedric Alexander Wedding

Exactly five nights after Montez Ford and Bianca Belair celebrated becoming a married couple on 23 June, then-WWE Cruiserweight Champ Cedric Alexander was doing the same with his missus on 28 June. The big difference here is that his wife, Aerial Monroe, is an independent wrestling star, not a WWE one.

Sort of anyway.

Monroe did appear in the 2018 Mae Young Classic tournament, but she was beaten by Puerto-Rican wrestler Zeuxis in the very first round. There's no shame in that. At least she got the nod, and there's always scope for more in the future when WWE run similar tourneys.

Besides, the couple can look forward to spending the rest of their lives together. Who knows, they might end up on the same roster permanently someday.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.