7 Awesome Wrestling Moments That Put Randy Orton On The Map

4. Intercontinental Champion

randy orton cactus jack backlash

Randy Orton has won world title gold on no fewer than twelve occasions (most of them in his 450 matches with John Cena), but his first taste of championship glory came at Armageddon 2003, when he pinned Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental strap on a night when Evolution cleaned up.

While many of his predecessors (RVD included) were the victims of flash-in-the-pan title reigns - having only recently been brought back after a period of deactivation, 2003 was one of many low points for the once prestigious IC title - Orton held onto the belt for over six months, wearing it with all the pride of a young rookie desperate to make a name for himself (and one who understood Triple H's bigger, shinier belt would be off limits).
