7 Candidates For Intercontinental Title Match At WrestleMania 32

Who could be in line for a shot at Owens' title at WrestleMania 32?

With just a couple of weeks remaining until WrestleMania 32, there's still one conspicuous hole left to be filled in the event's card; an Intercontinental Championship match. Kevin Owens is of course the reigning champion. And the fact that he€™s been dubbing the show KO-Mania in recent weeks would suggest that there are indeed some kind of plans in the works for both him and his title. What exactly those plans entail, though, very much remains to be seen. Currently, the smart money seems to be on some kind of multi-man match€”similar to the one we were treated to last year in Santa Clara. But who exactly would be involved in such a showdown, should it eventually come to fruition? Luckily there have been enough seeds sown in the past few weeks to give us a fairly good idea of some likely candidates. While it remains no more than mere speculation, this article runs through seven of those potential names that may well find themselves competing for the famed white belt at the biggest WrestleMania of all time.


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