7 Classic Wrestling Storylines WWE Should Recycle

2. Harley Race Vs. Ric Flair – The Bounty

This angle actually was redone once, in 2003 when Triple H took out a $100,000 bounty on WWE World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg, which Evolution member Batista cashed in, injuring Goldberg's ankle. However, since Goldberg never really missed any time, we'll look back to the original bounty angle, featuring NWA World Champion Harley Race and Ric Flair in 1983.

The two had feuded off and on for years, and when Race became tired of Flair pursuing him for the title, he cut a famous promo in July 1983 where he offered $25,000 to anyone who could run Flair out of the business. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton and Dick Slater collected, seemingly injuring Flair's neck permanently. Flair claimed he was retiring, but he later returned to Mid-Atlantic in shocking fashion, attacking the pair with a baseball bat, which he called "the only partner I'll ever need."

This led to Flair and Race's cage match at the first Starrcade, where Race passed the torch to Flair as the dominant heel of the '80s. It painted Race as a ruthless villain, and allowed Flair to come back from a career-threatening injury.

The angle could be done again with Triple H, perhaps out of frustration with being unable to put Seth Rollins away. On SmackDown, The Miz, the only sniveling heel currently fitting of the Race role in WWE, could put out a hit on Dean Ambrose through his obsession to reclaim the Intercontinental title, leading to a no-holds barred match at WrestleMania. To make it work, however, the babyface in the angle would have to be kayfabe injured and miss a few weeks, something WWE often seems loathe to do.

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I'm a lifelong writer and former newspaper journalist, a full-on Star Wars and wrestling nerd, and a fan of superheroes. I'm also a husband and a dad, and my fondest wish is to instill good values into my children, and to convince them that Han shot first.