7 Days Of Wrestling Podcasts To Fill Your Week

4. Friday Part 1: Keepin' It 100 With Konnan

Rutten and Ranallo

A Friday double-bill! It's podcasting's answer to the Monday Night Wars, with all of the names only relevant in the '90s to prove it.

Konnan hosts The Jericho Network's flagship podcast, Keepin' It 100 with Kevin Gill and Disco Inferno, featuring regular guests such as Shane Helms and Juventud Guerrera among others, as well as interviews with current stars and older legends (the episodes with #Broken Matt Hardy are must-listens). Whereas most podcasters press record, talk, and wrap it up after an hour, Keepin' It 100 is an all-killer, no-filler compilation of conversations recorded throughout the week and stitched together into a segmented program that ensures there's never a lull in the episode. Tremendous.

The First Impression:

Is "The Juicy One" okay in the head? Is Disco really a ball-juggling clown? Is Konnan permanently stoned? As if the audible bong hits through the podcast weren't enough to guarantee it.

What Keeps You Coming Back:

Despite the lax persona (pun absolutely intended), Konnan has a great mind for the industry and extensive insight. Whether it's WWE, TNA, AAA, Lucha Underground, or even Vince Russo's Rocky Mountain Pro run, Konnan's weekly take on wrestling is worth tolerating Disco Inferno for. Boom.


An Australian fan of wrestling, keen proponent of NXT Takeover: Boggo Road, and the repackaging of Nathan Jones as Road Warrior Dingo.