7 Early Contenders For WWE Money In The Bank 2016 Briefcase

4. Kevin Owens

The idea of Kevin Owens being the Money In The Bank briefcase holder and being extremely savvy about when he wants to cash in the briefcase would make for fun TV. Owens with the briefcase would present a similar, yet different notion than to when Seth Rollins was annoying and also smartly waiting to cash in his prize. The idea of Kevin Owens sauntering down to the ring appearing to be ready to make the choice and then just walking away would be so incredibly annoying and so "boy who cried wolf" that when he did finally win, it'd actually draw some heat. There's a forethought in how Kevin Owens presents himself that if given the opportunity to hold the Money In The Bank briefcase that he's one who'd be certain to find a way to make his run in the position highly entertaining in a most unique fashion.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.