7 Giant Lies Told By Wrestling That Will Definitely Kill You

3. Sledgehammer Strikes To The Head Are Fine

Triple H Sledgehammer

Behold this handy demonstration of a watermelon being bashed to bits by a sledgehammer wielding maniac (disclaimer: man may not be a maniac). Now, consider the fact that Triple H has literally hammered countless WWE performers in the skull, and most have survived to work that weekend's house show loop.

Sure, claiming the humble melon is as hard as the human head sounds ridiculous, but then so is someone using a bloody sledgehammer to win wrestling matches.

Just one such strike from a weapon like that could potentially leave someone with serious brain damage, or outright kill them instantly. The average sledgehammer weighs between 10-20lbs, and that's without an adult human swinging it or ramming it into someone's cranium.

For the avoidance of any doubt, dispense with that sledgehammer spot the next time you're playing out one of Triple H's battles blow-for-blow. His is made of rubber anyway, and you're likely to murder a mate by even trying.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.