7. The Voice Of The Voiceless
Like Paige in todays WWE, CM Punks heroic characters often end up being a little, well, douchey. Too much of a sarcastic jerk to be really, truly popular as a babyface, CM Punk was over despite this. He was cheered by thousands upon his WWE debut in June 2006, because everyone knew he was that damn good, and we needed something new, fresh and that damn good to come along. He turned heel in June 2009, playing the holier than thou straight edge a**hole. It made him step up his game and he was like hot fire in the ring and on the mic for the next two years. Then, on 27th June 2011, at the conclusion of a run-of-the-mill episode of Raw in Las Vegas, he cut that worked shoot promo, and everything changed. The fans - the real fans, not the casual fans who didnt follow the product - were narked with WWE, fed up with the same old same old and desperate for a change. The real-life Phil Brooks was also narked with WWE, and he let it show in spades. For a while, CM Punk, mouth like a runaway train, said what we were all thinking, what we were all saying. Except he said it louder, funnier, and straight to Vincent Kennedy McMahon and Triple Hs faces. It lasted a year, probably half that actually, given how badly he was booked after the second Summer Of Punk turned into autumn. Punk turned heel again at Raw 1000, and he was bloody brilliant, but it wasnt the same and it didnt come back when he turned babyface yet again the year after that. Still, for a few months, CM Punk was the voice of the voiceless. Thats why you still hear CM PUNK chants here and there from smark-aleck crowds on boring-ass episodes of WWE TV, two years after he left the company. Its an echo of a time in 2011 when one p***ed off guy said what so many of us were thinking, then when they shut off his mic came back two weeks later with a goddamn loudhailer so that they couldnt do it again.
Jack Morrell
Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.
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