7 Hell In A Cell Bumps You Will Never Forget

3. Shawn Michaels Off Side Of Cell And Through Announce Table

The first Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels taking on The Undertaker holds up very well as arguably the best of them all. It took place at the October 1997 Badd Blood PPV and was the result of Michaels costing The Undertaker the WWE Title two months earlier. The idea behind the structure was to prevent the heel Michaels from running away from him. They did a creative job to set up Michaels' escape from the cage by having him attack a camera man he landed on, which was a planned spot. Doctors had to get the camera guy out of there, so that led to the door opening and Michaels escaped. With nowhere to go, he went up the cage., and The Undertaker followed him. Since this was the first HIAC match we didn't know what to expect. Michaels tried to escape as Undertaker pursued him. He got all the way to the edge. Undertaker stomped on his hand and Michaels fell off the side of the cage through the announce table. It was one of the biggest bumps in WWE history at that time. In fact, it probably was the biggest. He didn't go off the top of the cell, but it was still at least a 10 foot fall if not higher. In Mick Foley's book, he mentioned that part of the reason he wanted to go on top of the cage is because he wanted to top what Shawn did.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.