7 Huge WWE SummerSlam Missed Opportunities

4. The Lex Express Runs Out Of Gas

SummerSlam 2011 CM Punk

Poor Sexy Lexy. His WWE run was rife with false starts and missed opportunities. Initially, he was brought into the company to be the face of Vince McMahon’s World Bodybuilding Federation, but that was folded due to being complete rubbish. Luger was was then brought into WWE proper with a narcissist heel gimmick, which suited his intellect and Adonis-like physique.

However, with Hulk Hogan leaving the company, Vince had a large, muscled, blonde hole in his heart that Luger filled perfectly. Thus, he was given an abrupt face turn, put on a red, white, and blue bus, and toured America in preparation for his match with Yokozuna at SummerSlam.

With all their eggs in Luger’s chiseled basket, surely WWE should have pulled the trigger at SummerSlam and coronated Luger as the face of the company right then and there, right?

Well, wrong. Either because they had cold feet on Luger, or they felt they should prolong the chase, the finish was changed so that Lex beat Yoko via countout. Lex still celebrated with confetti and balloons, making him look like a right tw*t. Would he have been the next Hulk Hogan? Probably not, but still, this decision killed all of his momentum and deprived WWE of a credible main-eventer in an era when they could have used all they could get.

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