7 Indie Wrestlers That Need To Be On Tough Enough

3. Chris Aros


You've got to give Chris Aros credit: he definitely made a video submission that stands out from the rest. The green screen might look incredibly low budget but at least it's different.

This Montreal-based wrestler used to go by the name Chris Cruze but his former self is no more. Thanks to an accidental slip into some inter-dimensional realm he was able to have an encounter with the Greek gods. Told in comic form, this Youtube video chronicles how Aries and Eros found favor with the professional wrestler, giving him a new start in the business.

The previous paragraph was obviously part of his in-ring persona. The guy has charisma and the more that is seen of him the more WWE should realize that he has a creativity that could be quite an asset to their product. Aros' quirkiness and imaginative mind might be one of the most marketable traits one can possess.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.