7 Losses That Need To Happen At WWE Money In The Bank

4. New Day vs. Prime Time Players

Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose

The New Day have exercised their powers of positivity all the way to the top of WWE's tag team division. The Prime Time Players earned this shot at the gold by defeating The Ascension and Lucha Dragons on a recent episode of Smackdown. Kofi is in the MITB ladder match so Xavier Woods and Big E are representing the three man group.

Who Needs To Lose: New Day

Kingston, Woods, and Big E have successfully got themselves over but O'Neil & Young are believably positioned to capture the titles. With both The Usos and Cesaro & Kidd out of action due to injury, WWE needs a second established team in the tag division. Not only do PTP have a strong physical presence but both men champion social causes that WWE favors.

Who Will Likely Lose: Prime Time Players

Even though a title change could kick off a several month feud for New Day, it's still feels like a safe bet that New Day will retain. A more likely scenario is that PTP will lose due to some form of cheating, furthering the feud. This will set up a second month's Pay-Per-View match where they can lose more properly. Titus & Darren are probably just placeholders until one of the teams on the injured list returns.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.