7 More WWE NXT Talents Released Or Furloughed
WWE's mass cuts hit NXT late last night.

WWE's mass cuts have come to NXT, with wrestlers MJ Jenkins, Aleksandar Jaksic and Dorian Mak cut, and coaches Ace Steel, Serena Deeb, and Kendo Kashin furloughed. Josiah Williams, the Performance Center-based on-air talent, has also announced that he is now available for freelance bookings, suggesting he, too, has been let go.
The sixsome joins Deonna Purrazzo, whose WWE release was confirmed earlier in the day.
Jenkins' situation is particularly horrible, as she tweeted the following on Wednesday night:-
She had previously competed in the 2018 Mae Young Classic but hadn't yet graduated to a full-time televised role. Mak, meanwhile, was once known as Dan Matha, while Jaksic was yet to make it to our screens.
Deeb, a former main roster wrestler, was brought back as a coach after competing in the 2017 Mae Young Classic. Indie wrestling veteran Steel had only been with the promotion since last year, as had Kashin, who was an IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion in NJPW. The trio's furloughing means they have been benched without pay for an undetermined period of time, meaning they could easily be brought back once this situation blows over.
Fingers crossed they are.