7 Most Shocking WWE Releases 2015

3. Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn's most recent job within the WWE system was as part of the staff at the WWE Performance Center. There, Gunn was treated like a respected veteran, ideal in offering advice to those looking for longevity in the company. Then, in mid-November, he was surprisingly released by the promotion after failing tests for performance enhancing drugs. In 2012, he had made a return to WWE a part of the celebrations over Monday Night Raw reaching 1,000 episodes. From there, he began working live events with Road Dogg, reuniting the much-cherished New Age Outlaws team which had been so successful during the 'Attitude Era'. In 2015, the Outlaws faced The Ascension in the opening match of the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, and proved a popular nostalgia act with fans. Billy Gunn is someone who was expected to work for years as a trainer in WWE, so his release did raise some eyebrows. He has returned to working on the independent wrestling scene, but it's unclear whether or not he'll ever return to the company with which he made his name.
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