7 Moves The Undertaker Tried To Adopt That Didn't Stick
1. Dragon Sleeper

'Taker changed a lot during his heel run in 2002. Not only did he cut his hair and show off his nasty attitude, he also introduced the WWE Universe to a brand new finisher. When the end was near, Big Evil wouldn't call for the Last Ride or the Tombstone like he once did. Instead, he would wrap his arm around his opponent's neck and lock on a Dragon Sleeper to finish him off.
Much like his modified powerbomb finisher, the hold was given a new name, unique to The Phenom — although we're not sure the 'Taker Care of Business rolls off the tongue quite as well as the Last Ride. Name aside, the Dragon Sleeper proved to be a worthy addition to his move set as he used it to defeat the likes of Big Show and Maven.
For some reason, the new finishing move didn't last very long and, when The Phenom turned face again, he cut it from his arsenal. He did resurrect it once in 2005 at WrestleMania 21, when he locked it in on Randy Orton. However, as he has returned to his darker roots by then, no references to the "TCB" (and his previous history with the hold) were ever made.
Were you a fan of any of The Undertaker's forgotten moves? Tell us in the comment section below!