7 Original Documentaries That Should Air On WWE Network

2. Rivalries: Steve Austin And The Rock

When WWE released the Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels Rivalry DVD a few years back the hope was that there would be others that followed. That hasn't been the case. While WWE still does DVD releases like the upcoming ones for Sting and Randy Savage, they don't seem to want to do any more Rivalry DVDs. That's fine, but they should consider doing a two hour documentary or more about the rivalry between Steve Austin and The Rock. Austin and Rock were the two guys that were at the forefront of WWE during the beloved Attitude Era. Considering they wrestled three WrestleMania matches against eachother (including Austin's last match at WM19), they have a long history with plenty of stories that could be told. In addition to those matches, they had several other matches at other PPVs and plenty of entertaining promos along the way too. It would be really cool to have Austin and Rock sitting down in the same room telling stories about their feud. That's something we have never seen before. In addition to that, they could have other wrestlers that were there talking about while the younger guys on the current roster could share stories from when they were younger and how they were inspired to get in the business because of them. A documentary feature about Austin and Rock seems like a no brainer. They are two of the biggest stars in WWE history. Anything with their names on it is going to sell really well. It's just a matter of WWE putting it together, which isn't easy considering they're such busy men. Hopefully it happens.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.