7 Possible Culprits Behind The Recent WWE TV Glitches
2. Killer Kross
WWE in recent years have been Galactus when it comes to their appetite for talent. They want everyone. If you work for Vince, you can’t work for any of his competitors. Despite, you know, them claiming there are no actual competitors. One of their most recent acquisitions was one Mr. Killer Kross.
The former Impact star, one of the biggest free agents who still happened to be a free agent at the time of the first glitch, impressed WWE so much that there was talk of him being fast-tracked straight into the Raw of SmackDown.
If WWE are that serious about Kross and if they want to build up the drama surrounding his debut, then this would certainly be the way to go. Because given the amount of speculation being dedicated to these glitches, whoever emerges from behind the curtain at the end of it all will automatically have a massive spotlight on them.